Why Do Queens Settle in Dating or in Relationships?

Jun 12, 2021
Why Do Queens Settle in Dating or in Relationships?

There are so many reasons why Queens settle in dating the wrong people & staying in wrong relationships.

Settling Dating Wrong People Because...

  1. It Just Happens...you were not looking for anyone or any relationship & things just happen (a casual conversation turns into more or you have known them for years & you ask them how they are doing when you run into them or see them on social media, etc.).
  2. You don't think the person who has all the qualities & what you are looking for will come into your life, so you settle for anyone because that beats being with no one.
  3. You may have low self esteem or don't feel worthy for the love you are desiring. Someone makes you feel good about yourself through compliments or showing you attention and you find yourself in a relationship with them even though it is not someone who you desire to be with or in a relationship with.
  4. You don't have any desires or you are vague about what you desire (how they should treat you, how they look, no standards, etc.) Anyone will do as long as they like you & treat your right.

Settling in Wrong relationships because...

  1. You are making excuses...When you continue not to be happy & not receive the love you are wanting, but make excuses of why you can't leave or find reasons to stay, you are settling in your relationship.
  2. It will get better or they will change. How long are you going to believe that and keep waiting for that to happen? You are settling in your relationship.
  3. You don't feel like starting over or feeling like they are not that bad, causes you to settle in relationships.
  4. Other people are telling you to stay or you don't want to leave because of what people may think or say. You end up settling in your relationships.

It is time not to settle for who you are dating and it is time to be with the right person and enjoy a happy, healthy relationship.

Make a commitment to yourself, no more Settling in Dating or in your Relationships!

Contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions or if you are ready to start dating or need help in your relationships.

Queens Don't Settle

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