Why Can't I Find A Great Person? Part 2

Jun 02, 2021
Why Can't I Find A Great Person? Part 2

We went over a few steps on how to help meet the "Right Person" for you, in our last post. Remember the "Right Person" for you really isn't found, but is revealed to you. Yes, they are not lost, but more like hidden in plain sight.

This is why I gave you four keys to help you see and become aware of them when they become visible to you.

We will now focus on you becoming who you are desiring, the "Perfect Person." You don't attract or get the perfect person unless you are the perfect person.

For example, if you desire to meet and marry someone who works out and is fit, you need to be working out & getting fit.

This is why we must focus on working on ourselves to attract who we desire to come into our lives.

When you think and write down the type of person you desire to marry (character traits, their physical appearance, age, etc.), now begin to ask yourself, "Am I willing to change and work on myself to attract that type of person?"

You determine who walks into your life, not by what you desire, but by who you are. The "Perfect Person finds you, when you become that "Perfect Person!

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