Why Can’t I Find a Great Person?

Jun 02, 2021
Why Can’t I Find a Great Person?

This is a question that almost every single person asked themselves or someone, “Why can’t I find a great person.” I asked the singles I coach, “What do you mean a great person?”

Many of them pause and then begin to give a vague description and really can’t tell me what a “great person” is to them or the “great person” they would love to meet and date.

We hear phrases and we then start saying, and accepting them as if it is the law.

A few examples are; good men or good women are hard to find, nobody desires to date people my age or my size or if you have children, or nobody wants to marry a person who has been divorce. Those examples are what we heard, we say, we think and what we believe, but it is not true! Your great spouse or great lover is out there waiting for you to meet them.

Here are a few things you can begin to do which will help you meet that great person. First, let go of wrong thinking and wrong speaking. Whatever you heard or thoughts you have that are negative about dating or being married, don’t speak or think thoughts. Secondly, start thinking and write down in detail the type of perfect person you would like to date or marry. Be very detailed and write down the picture you see of them. Thirdly, write down how they would make you feel, where you would go with them, what type of activities you would do together.

After you are very detailed with writing about them, the way they make you feel, where they would take you and things you would do together, look at what you have written down every day and begin to see them as if they are real and begin to be thankful that you and them have met and are together. It may sound weird and spooky, but believe as you do it and watch what happens; the great person shows up.

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