What's Wrong With Me?

Jun 11, 2021
What's Wrong With Me?

Singles find themselves asking that question, "What's wrong with me?" Those in relationships with the wrong person again asked themselves, "What's wrong with me?" Even though we ask ourselves and we ask other people the question, we never answer the question, "What's wrong with me?"

Are you assuming something is wrong with you or there is perhaps something wrong you are doing, because you keep attracting the wrong person or the relationship doesn't work because it is your fault?

Have you ever thought maybe there is nothing wrong with you, but maybe something is right with you? You are only choosing the wrong people to date or to be in a relationship with? Have you ever thought maybe you are focusing more of what you don't want and not focusing more than what you do want?

Do this exercise to change your focus from negative thinking about yourself and thinking positive about yourself when it comes to dating and relationships.

  • Begin to ask yourself what is right with you and write down at least five characteristics or qualities you like about yourself.
  • Look at your list for seven days every morning and add one or two things to your list that you like about yourself.
  • After you have looked and added to your list for seven days, now look at your completed list for another seven days saying, "There is something right about me."
  • After those fourteen days, start feeling, thinking and saying, "There is something right about me."

Whenever you start feeling negative about yourself, pull your list out and see there is nothing wrong with you.

Now that you know nothing is wrong with you, but something is right with you, watch people see there is something right about you.

As you focus on things right about you, you will begin to make better choices about who you date.

If you are ready to start dating or need help with feeling right about yourself, please feel free to schedule a complimentary session by clicking here.

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