Still Single or Consistent Relationship Problems?

Jun 12, 2021
Still Single or Consistent Relationship Problems?

Don't be frustrated or ready to stop dating people, because it seems your relationships are not working out!

Don't believe you are meant to be single, because nobody seems interested in you!/ Have you considered who you desire to date or have been dating is considered "settling" to God! He has a type of person for you, but you have to stop settling for your type.

For you who are single and not dating, think about the people you desire to date or whom you attracted unto. Are they someone who seems to be aligned with your beliefs? Are they someone who is single and ready for a relationship and not hurting or dealing with any drama in their life? Are they stable mentally, financially, or lacking things in their life? These questions will help you recognize if you are settling or not.

For you who are dating, begin to think about the people you have been dating, are they someone who could bring the best out of you, love you unconditionally, seems not an answer to your prayer, any red flags or not feeling peace with the relationship, argue for no reasons? These are signs you could be settling in your relationships.

Don't continue to be single, if you desire to be in a relationship or don't continue to have relationship problems when you desire to be in a healthy relationship, make sure you are not settling for your "type" and allow God's "type" come unto you.

Email me [email protected] if you have questions about your "type" to see if you are settling or it's something else keeping you single or having relationship problems.


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