Single? How to deal with Loneliness

Jun 11, 2021
Single? How to deal with Loneliness

Being single you can find yourself alone most days and loneliness can creep up on you and hit you out of nowhere. Loneliness can cause depression, discouragement, anxiety, mental and physical issues.

Think about this question and answer it truthfully, "How do you handle feeling lonely?" I know most of us don't think about that, but automatically by habit we do things to overcome feeling lonely. We eat, watch movies, spend time with someone, drive somewhere, go shopping, and so many other things.

I want to help you overcome feeling lonely and start to enjoy every moment of being single. Recognize when you start to feel lonely you are focusing on who is not there. Feeling like no one isn't there. If you focus on being alone, or you can't find anyone to be with, you will surely start feeling lonely. Please take your eyes off who isn't there and begin to focus on who is there; you!

  • Start pampering yourself, take yourself out to movies or to dinner, take a trip or take a class to learn something new. Focusing on yourself will keep you from getting lonely. You are focused on who is there and not on who is not there.
  • Once you start focusing on yourself, enjoying life and living how you desire, then begin to see (imagine) doing those things with someone. You are not focused on them not being there, but rather them there with you.
  • Think how great it would be to finally have someone to be with you. Can you see yourself walking on the beach, holding hands while watching the movies and eating popcorn? How do you feel being with them?

Try this, the next time you feel lonely, start thinking, I'm not alone and I'm enjoying life right now, any moment my partner will show up and we will have fun doing this together. Now create a scene in your mind and see you guys doing it together. Watch the feeling of being lonely disappear.

Being alone doesn't have to lead to you feeling lonely, because you know at any time the right person at the right time will show up. If you need help overcoming loneliness or if you are ready to start dating and need help, please click here to schedule a Complimentary Coaching one on one telephone session!

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