Single, But Not Struggling

Jun 07, 2021
Single, But Not Struggling

As a single person, the desire for companionship should be very high to help overcome the feeling you won't meet them or get lonely in the process of waiting and settle for anyone. If you truly desire a spouse or to start dating people who are "worthy" of you and your time, and not give up in the process, focus on stop struggling in any area of your life.

Stop struggling, fighting to survive just to keep ahead financially and not see progress or stop struggling mentally or emotionally enough to only sometimes manage or control yourself. Let's look at why struggling can cause bad relationships or lead into an unhealthy relationship. If someone is struggling financially, it is going to affect their decisions & the person they date. They most likely will choose or be chosen by someone who will help them with bills or buy them what they need.

This leads to owing them and puts them in a vulnerable position, I am helping you and how are you going to help me? These types of relationships are most likely to be manipulating, controlling, and or abusive. If you are not struggling financially, you put yourself in a better position to attract the person and put yourself in a better position.

If you are struggling mentally or emotionally, you may know have the money to take care of someone who now uses you or doesn't care about you. The person is feeding a need, making you feel a certain way because of the emotional feelings of being alone or mental thoughts, "No one desires to be with me."

When you are not struggling in any area of your life, you choose not to be a victim, but to be the victor. Think of it like this, the person who is struggling in any area of their life, leaving a blood trail and the animal, the person who is up to no good, follows the blood to you and attacks you.

Say this, "I am Single, but I am not Struggling!" Now, go to work on yourself and every area of your life that you may be struggling in. I am here to help, if you need help, and let's get you healthy and not struggling.

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