Single, But Not Stressed

Jun 11, 2021
Single, But Not Stressed

We talked about being whole, being single and not struggling in our last post. Now let's discuss being single and not stressing.

Be honest, are you the type of person who stresses about things happening in your life or about things that haven't happened in your life yet?

Are you stressed about the job or about the bad doctors report you received?

Are you stressed about the job or you lost the job? I could go on and on asking you questions about what you are stressed about in your life?

One thing for sure is stressing about anything doesn't solve any problems in our lives. In fact stress causes things to be worse and affects our health. It is time to be; Single and not Stressing!

Here are some things to do to combat the stress in your life.

First, identify where is the stress coming from in your life, what is the root cause of your stress? Once you identify where the stress is coming from, then write everything down so you can see what is causing the stress or what is causing you to worry.

Now begin to think of ways to solve the problems one problem at a time. What could you do that you haven't tried before, write it down beside the problem.

For every problem causing you stress that you have written down, write your solutions beside each problem. If you can't come up with a solution for a problem, don't worry about it. With your list of problems and the solutions beside them, start today using the solutions to fix the problems and if that solution doesn't work, try another one of your solutions. Don't quit, but keep attacking the problems with solutions you come up with, eventually the right solution will come to you and you will then fix the problem.

As you start solving problems in your life, the other problems you couldn't find or come up with solutions for, will begin to work out or solutions will come to you.

Using this process causes you to see solutions and not problems. This causes you not to be stressed, worried or feeling defeated.

You may be Single at this point, but you will not be Stressed! / You can book a session with me if you are ready to start dating. Click here for complimentary session.

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