Online Dating: Yes or No?

Jun 15, 2021
Online Dating: Yes or No?

Online Dating is one of the most used resources that singles or even sadly those married use today to find a partner or someone to love them. It is also the most dangerous way to find a lover or partner as well!

When online dating you need to be extremely cautious; look for fake profiles, don't share personal information until you really get to know the person & have validated they are who they say they are, meet in public places for the first time meeting, never let them know your address, etc.

You can find the right partner or lover online, but yes it is a risk! Let me ask you some questions to help you think cautiously and correctly through online dating.

  1. Do you feel you are healthy (mentally ready, emotionally and mentally stable, life in order, working on your purpose)?
  2. Do you have time to date, the time and energy to get to know someone?
  3. Do you think online dating is the best option for you? Why?
  4. What research have you done to find out the safest and best online dating app or online service available for you?
  5. Do you have extra money to invest in monthly service to join the best online service or online dating app?
  6. Have you considered using free online services or free online dating apps put you at a higher risk of being scammed, deceived or hurt (physically, mentally, or emotionally)?
  7. What is your plan (to talk to them by using an app not your real phone number, how long before you video chat or potentially meet them, etc.)?

Answer these questions honestly, thoughtfully and carefully. If you decide to move forward with online dating, move forward with a formulated plan.

Would I recommend doing it? In my opinion, if you feel it is the only option you see best at this point and you are not doing it to find someone because you feel lonely or need a quick solution to fix physical cravings 😁 in your life.

Online dating should not be viewed as a quick fix if your desire is to find someone to build a valuable, loving and healthy relationship with. If you need help with online dating or you are ready to start dating, please click here and schedule a date so we chat over the phone for a complimentary session. 

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