Never Tolerate in Dating & Relationships It Only Makes It Worse!

Jun 15, 2021
Never Tolerate in Dating & Relationships It Only Makes It Worse!

I think it is good to start off by saying tolerating certain things in your relationship or if you are dating will not hurt or damage the relationship. When you are tolerating things that make you angry, upset, vengeful, sad or depressed, these things can't and shouldn't be tolerated!

You feel you will keep peace by not saying anything, thinking it will get better or they will soon change, but it only makes it worse! I coach singles who end up alone and hurt, because they tolerated a lot of stuff while not expressing how they felt, thinking it would get better or they would stop doing it. No it didn't happen, they ended up alone and hurt.

Don't ignore the red flags, don't hold on to them because you don't want to be alone or hold onto them because they are not "that bad and they seem to love or care for you."

Queens Don't Settle!

That is the term we used as, I coach single ladies, Queens Don't Settle. When you give an inch, they will take a mile. When you tolerate things or tolerate how they treat you, you are giving them the green light to keep doing that and they will do even more.

When you feel sad, upset or angry, or want to do something negatively, because of what they did or what they said, express how it made you feel to them. They might not know how it makes you feel. Watch to see if it happens again and if it does bring it to their attention. If it continues, tell them the relationship is coming to an end.

If you are willing to change and compromise to make the relationship work, they should be willing to change and compromise as well. It is never a good idea to hold back how you feel and you should tell them the same thing.

Create an atmosphere of openness, communication and value of hearing one another expressing how both of you feel. No more tolerating things it only leads to making things worse.

If you are ready to start dating or need to ask questions about dating, you can schedule a Free one on one Clarity Call with me by clicking here.

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