Keep Building Your Dream While Being Torn

Jun 14, 2021
Keep Building Your Dream While Being Torn

We discussed in our last post about building your dreams, but being torn down by your lover, your spouse. We will now look at solving and addressing you being torn down, while you are being torn down.

Let me say this, there is a difference between being in a relationship and being married. If you are in a relationship you can walk away, but if you are married you should do everything you can to keep your commitment to your spouse through better or worse, sickness or health 'til death causes you to be separated.

Now let's look at how to work on your relationship while you are tired and being torn down. First, have you seriously talked about how you feel to your partner? Have you expressed to them what is going on with you and how you feel? If they truly love you, they will listen to you and be willing to change.

If they don't listen or desire to change, please don't find relief in another person or in other ways that will bring further hurt to you or will cause more division between you and the person you love.

If you are able to talk and begin to work together to resolve the issues, that is great. If not, have you considered going to counselling, a support group or other resources? Walking away or divorce are options as only the last resort.

Let's look at what you can do right now, after you talked and it didn't resolve anything./ FOLLOW THESE STEPS

  • Begin to build yourself up, getting positive inspiration through reading, listening to sermons or self improving videos.
  • Ignore their negative words and/or negative actions. Love them and treat them with respect and love. Seeds we plant today, will be fruit we will see and taste tomorrow.
  • Keep building on your dream and fulfilling your purpose.
  • At the right time as you are doing this, it will be revealed to you what to do or it may resolve itself over time. The key is follow the steps outlined. I can share more about this through a one on one session to further guide you.

Don't give up as you apply these steps, it always gets worse before it gets better.

If you desire more help, let's talk and discuss more how you can improve your relationship. Please comment below, your thoughts.

Any questions or desire further help, please feel free to email me.

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