Is This Relationship Worth Fighting For?

Jun 07, 2021
Is This Relationship Worth Fighting For?

Being in a relationship you can find joy, peace, love, security and many more great things to experience. Especially, when you have someone to share it with, whom you love and adore. Then, there are those unfortunate times, where the relationship causes you to lose sleep, become bitter, run your blood pressure up, become depressed and other not so wonderful things.

There will be a time you need to ask yourself is this worth it? I love them, but am I starting not to like them so much?

Here are a few questions to ask yourself and some questions to ask your spouse or partner, to help make the right decisions concerning your marriage or relationship.

Hopefully, these questions will help move the relationship back into a more positive, healthy, and loving status.

  1. Am I fighting in this relationship by myself?
  2. Have we exhausted all our resources to work this out (counselling, time apart, help from others, etc.)?
  3. Have you communicated with your partner or spouse how you really feel, and have you really heard how they feel about the relationship or working it out?
  4. Did you honestly let them know how you desired to work it out? What was their response, without falsely interpreting what they said?
  5. They desire to be with you, but do their actions say something different than their words?

Begin to really assess your relationship by answering those questions and ask your spouse or partner those questions, as well. Sometimes the writing is on the wall, but we don't like what we are reading.

Don't come up with another picture you desire to see, but see the real picture. This relationship is not worth fighting for, if you are the only one fighting. It takes two to Tango and dance!

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