Hurting People Date Healed People

Jun 13, 2021
Hurting People Date Healed People

Hurting people date healed People, be careful. I coach singles and help them heal from past relationships, and there is something that is a common theme; they were ready for a relationship, healed, and was hurt by someone who was hurt from previous relationships. Of course, people who are hurting don't intentional date people who are healed, even though sometimes hurt people do intentional do this.

When you are dating these days, you must be ready to date carefully and slow down getting to know those you are dating. Don't ignore those red flags, ask better questions to find out about them./ Why do you attract or are attracted to people who hurt people? This is a question you must ask yourself and a question I asked my clients.

One reason you are attracted to a person who potentially could hurt you could be; you are afraid to commit. So subconsciously you begin dating someone knowing it is going to lead to nowhere, a break up eventually, and this is perfect for you.

A reason you could be attracting people who could hurt you, is you fear you will be hurt and yes it leads to you being hurt. What you fear, you draw it to you.

Why are you attracting people who hurt you or why are you attracted to people who hurt you? Truthfully dig into this question and begin to change what causes you to attract those type of people who hurt you or be attracted to people who hurt you.

Please share this blog with a friend or someone you know who is single and is dating, and keeps getting hurt.

If you are hurting & ready to heal or if you are ready to date with success email me at [email protected]


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