Don't Lose Yourself In Relationships!

Jun 11, 2021
Don't Lose Yourself In Relationships!

Sometimes in relationships we lose ourselves trying to make the person we love happy or trying to make the relationship work. The sad truth is; as we are changing to make the relationship work or because we love them, we don't even notice we are changing. When the breakup occurs, the divorce is final or even during the relationship, you notice you have changed and don't know who you are anymore.

This happens because you settled for a relationship that you most likely desired so much to be in or with the person you desired that you saw red flags, but ignored them or justified them.

Losing yourself in relationships also happens when you start out both in love, and then drift and change without knowing it. This is why intentionally growing yourself and intentionally growing together, and setting goals is important. It gives you direction and purpose of where you are going and who you are becoming, while you are working together. If you are single, make a vow to yourself not to date anyone who doesn't meet or live up to your expectations, you won't settle.

If you are dating, don't overlook red flags and monitor if this person is growing and could we grow together.

Know your purpose, set goals, know where you are going and who you are desiring to become, then as you meet someone and things grow into a relationship, you will continue in that direction. No, the right one will not distract you, but help and inspire you.

No more losing yourself in relationships. Become better with them, and accomplish your dreams.

Queens Don't Settle!

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