Do You Love Yourself? No, Really!?

Jun 13, 2021
Do You Love Yourself? No, Really!?

In searching for love from people we sometimes forget the most important person to love us, should be ourselves.

If we don't love ourselves or think about loving ourselves, how will we know what love feels like? They may say, "I love you" and it is possible that you hear them, but don't feel love from them.

What does love feel like? Have you ever thought about that question? Do you feel they love, because they do things for you or buy you things? Do you feel love because they listen to you and show you that they care about you? Do you feel love because they take care of you and possibly your kids?

We see why you may feel love from others, but do you love yourself? How do you treat yourself? How do you talk to yourself, do you criticize yourself or give yourself room to make mistakes? How do you feel about yourself? What thoughts do you think about yourself? Do you say mean things to yourself? Do you take care of your body or don't rest and eat properly? You push yourself to the limit?

Honestly, answer those questions. Can you feel bad about yourself, think bad about yourself, and talk to yourself by putting yourself down and still love yourself? Is that possible, we know the answer is no.

Starting right now, start loving yourself by; thinking positive thoughts about yourself, talking positive to yourself, and feeling positive about yourself. Loving you is an inside job.

When you start to really love yourself, you will then attract someone to love you. Or, because you start loving yourself you realize people have been loving you, but you may been sabotaging the relationship not feeling worthy to be loved.

If you are ready to be loved or start dating, schedule a time to speak with me over the phone and I will see how I can help you.

For a Complimentary One to One Breakthrough Love Session

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