Dating With Success - Not Into Heartbreak

Jun 16, 2021
Dating With Success - Not Into Heartbreak

Many single women, Queens, I coach find themselves being played with, strung along, and tired of being hurt. Dating is painful because the people you are dating seems the same by mistreating you and hurting you the same way! It is time for a change! Let me help you Date with Success.

  • Start being intentional about what you want from dating; fun and short term or fun and long term.
  • State your intention to the person you are dating and hear their response. You are not telling them let's get married tomorrow, but they know what your expectations and your intentions are. Listen to their response and ask questions if it is not clear what they are saying.
  • Stay focused while dating and be aware of any red flags (your deal breakers) or anything that doesn't seem right or feels wrong.

When you start being intentional about what you want, state your intentions to the person you are dating, and stay focus and aware while dating, you will date and have success.

To further help you date with success, I have included my 15 Dating Questions to ask men on the first date absolutely free. Click here.

Also you can schedule a one on one Complimentary Session over the phone by clicking here.

For a Complimentary One to One Breakthrough Love Session

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