Dating? Don't Be Discouraged!

Jun 16, 2021
Dating? Don't Be Discouraged!

When you are dating getting to know people, it can become discouraging when it seems you can't find anyone or your heart keeps getting broken.

For example, you feel you found the perfect person, but then they start doing things which causes you to question if they are cheating on you. Yes, you find out they are. Now, you are hurt and disappointed. Don't be discouraged or give up!

Let me give you some keys to help you lessen the chances of being disappointed and discouraged.

  • Date with your head and not with your emotions. When you are getting to know someone without getting your emotions or feelings involved, you can see them clearer, you can see red flags, and make better decisions regarding them. It is easier to walk away, if you need to. Once you tie yourself to them by feeling for them, it is harder to cut the tie and you will feel more disappointed and discouraged.
  • Know exactly who you desire to date, be selective! When you date anyone, you improve your chances of getting hurt, the chances of it is not the right person are far greater. Be selective, and chances are greater to find the right one, which means you lessen your chances of being hurt and discouraged.
  • Don't focus on being hurt and expect you are on the right path to finding the right one for you. If you expect to be hurt, you will date people and be hurt. Focus on the right one coming to you and enjoy your life, not worrying about if this person will break your heart (date with your head and keep emotions out of it) and they will show up.

Start dating with your head and leave your emotions out of it, date selectively those who fit your desires, standards, character traits, etc., and focus on the right one coming to you (not focusing on the wrong one showing up and being hurt); you will then see your stress level go down and discouragement, a thing in your past.

If you desire help because you are ready to date, and be in a healthy relationship, please schedule a complimentary one on one Clarity Call with me by clicking here. Don't be discouraged and get ready, the special one is about to show up! 

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