Dating After Divorce

dating after divorce Nov 04, 2021

The hardest thing to imagine is going through a divorce, then even harder to imagine is to start dating after divorce. Questions arise; where do I start, is it too early or am I ready, should I try to meet someone online, etc.?

It is time to breathe. You don't need to rush into anything and there isn't a time limit to when you should or shouldn't start dating.

Where do I start? You really start by not looking at being with another person. So many people start looking for someone to love them or to get someone who will do things the ex didn't do or help take the pain or stop feeling being alone (lonely). They are going to only give you temporary relief and you will still be hurting, but with someone.

Start looking at yourself, and begin to write down how you feel. If you desire you can consider going to see a therapist or counsellor to help you. Start letting go, forgive and begin your healing process. Don't date or get in a relationship while you are hurting or date anyone if they are hurting, 

Dating while hurt or dating hurt people only causes more pain and doesn't lead to the type of healthy relationship you are desiring to be in. Many times this is why you see divorce, then marriage, then the person gets divorce again, they most likely didn't heal first before dating after their first divorce, Sadly, some people date or find people while still married, then get a divorce to marry them. Don't do that, no one wins in situations like that.

After you go through your process of healing, you need to begin to reidentify who you are. You can lose who you are in relationships, and in marriage. Who are you, what are you passionate about, what new hobbies or new things would you like doing? Is this the time to go back to school, open a new business, change careers, start over in a brand new city? What is the best thing for you and the child(ren)? 

Now it is time to date or enjoy being single for awhile!

If you need or want help to heal from the pain or to start successfully dating click here for a free one to one love Strategy Session with me.

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