Are You Dating Those Helping Or Hindering You?

Jun 11, 2021
Are You Dating Those Helping Or Hindering You?

Hey Queens in 2021 you should be reaching your goals & accomplishing big things. In the process of reaching your goals, you should be dating those who are helping you or at least not hindering you.

If you date those who distract you, you will have somebody in your life but you won't be accomplishing your goals. Dating people is a distraction all by itself, so dating someone hindering you is even more of a distraction. You don't have time to lose or time to be focusing on the wrong things or wrong people.

This is why it is important to know who you are and what is your purpose. As you work on your purpose, work on your goals, and as you work on yourself, the right person will join you and help you accomplish much more. When you are making moves and doing big things, don't be so busy you don't realize who is hindering you as you are dating. You working harder and don't noticed why. Focus and work on your goals while dating those helping you and not hindering you. Why!? Queens Don't Settle.

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