Are You Building With Someone Who Is Building You?

Jun 14, 2021
Are You Building With Someone Who Is Building You?

If you are single, you should be focusing on your purpose and living your dream life. If you are in a relationship or married, you should be building with someone as you build each other.

Are you building your life, your dreams, your plans with someone or are you being torn down by someone while you are trying to build your dreams, your life and your plans?

There is nothing like the feeling of doing what you love to do and be fully supported by someone you love while you do it. When you have a supporting spouse, you can act on creative ideas with little fear of thinking "What if this doesn't work?" You have someone to help comfort you and encourage you, when things are not going well as expected. This makes mountains so much smaller.

If you have someone who does the opposite, tears you down while you try to build; it is draining and you will feel defeated. You should not have to fight the person you love and try to conquer giants. You can't create in confusion or chaos. You can't believe in a negative atmosphere.

So many people stay working late, in order not to come home to chaos or sadly they run into someone else's arms, who gives them peace.

How are you finding relief? What is your plan to resolve this or are going to just deal with it?

We will discuss next week what to do if you are in a relationship that is tearing you down while you are building on your dreams.

Singles avoid relationships that are tearing you down! Focus and work on your dreams, until the right person comes so you build each other up as you work to build your dreams. Feel free to leave comments or questions.

I'm here to help you find someone to build with you or if you need help to overcome being torn down while you are building please reach out to me as well. 

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