➙ You’re successfully dating and you’re feeling confident and excited to be dating.

➙ You’re no longer settling and you’re now receiving the love you deserve.

➙ You’ve fully healed from past relationships and you’re ready for dating again!

➙ You’ve found a happy, healthy relationship. You’ve found your King!

My mission is to help women like YOU to get the love you desire and that you deserve.


I’m a Pastor, an inspirational speaker and a mentor to those in ministry and in the corporate world. As a Pastor, so many individuals have come to me seeking relationship advice and many women would ask...

“Why is it so difficult for great women to find great men?!”

“Where is my dream man hiding?”

“Why can’t I find love?”

I had a lot of experience with counseling and helping individuals become happier and healthier individuals, but I had a deep passion to help these women to overcome their heartbreak and find real love. So I pursued this passion and started helping the women who were coming to me.

Everyone wants to feel and receive real love, right?

I am now a Certified Life Coach and I have ventured into becoming a Dating and Relationship Coach.

I am transforming Queen's lives every day. I am helping women to overcome rejection, heal, learn not settle and learn to become better versions of themselves so they can find the RIGHT partner and attract HAPPY, HEALTHY relationships.


Are you ready to find love?